Januar 2017

[Free e-book]: Ready to Build and Manage an Effective IoT Strategy?

In the coming decades, all existing devices will be connected, intensifying what is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). This e-book explains the data impact of IoT and introduces Cloudera as a reference in Data Management, creating “Big Value” from billions of data points.

Ana Paneiro[Free e-book]: Ready to Build and Manage an Effective IoT Strategy?
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[Free e-book]: Sitecore Revolutionizing the Commerce Experience

This ebook will offer you valuable advice on how to better serve and convert your digital customers. It will also show you, with practical examples, all the advantages of blending your content and commerce departments to deliver an engaging and personalised experience.

Ana Paneiro[Free e-book]: Sitecore Revolutionizing the Commerce Experience
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