DevOps is not Dev & Ops – What I didn’t know about DevOps

All these years I have heard about DevOps, but I was truly convinced it was too techy for me.

I thought it was about continuous integration, automation, and awesome DevOps guys, who knew not only how to develop software but also how to release and manage production environments…

Now, I realise that I was completely wrong… DevOps is not Dev & Ops teams together… but an entire organisation that collaborates – really collaborates.

Of course you need automation; of course you need continuous integration – but that’s not all.

In a DevOps culture you must follow these rules:

  • Know the flow = understand how work goes from “to do” to “done”
  • You don’t work in a silo = instead of working in an isolated team that is just worried about their “own” work, you work for a purpose/value
  • You are constantly learning & improving = Don’t waste time – if something needs to be changed, change it

But how can you transform a whole organisation? Below, you can see some practical tips:

  • Make your work visible to everyone; don’t worry what others may think about it.
  • Change your mindset. Let me tell you a story, that someone once told me:

JFK, once when visiting NASA, saw a janitor cleaning the floor and asked him: What are you doing? He expected an answer like “I am cleaning the floor”, but instead the man said “I’m helping the men get to the Moon.”

  • Add value to your user stories; don’t create them just for someone to do something, but because you need to generate value, like improving customer satisfaction to 80%.
  • Collaborate, collaborate, collaborate even more… No man is an island, so don’t work like one.

Tools are not the most important element, but they can definitely help. Running shoes don’t make you a runner, but they will help you to run better.

If you are searching for tools that can help you understand the flow of work, make your work visible, and help you collaborate better with your team, just take a look at Jira, which allows teams to capture and organise work, assign it to the team and track team activity.

Sofia Neto

Collaboration & Development Solutions Manager, Xpand IT

Sílvia RaposoDevOps is not Dev & Ops – What I didn’t know about DevOps
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Xpand IT receives Atlassian Philantropy Partner of the Year 2018

Barcelona, 4 September 2018 – “Moments like these are the ones that remind us that the path of giving back to the community can really make the change for a better world.” These were the words of Pedro Gonçalves, Xpand IT’s Co-Founder, after having received the award for Philanthropy Partner of The Year at the Atlassian Summit 2018.

Xpand IT was the first Portuguese company to join the Pledge 1% movement and by doing so, has committed to donate 1% of product and annual profit to charitable organisations. During the last year, it has been deeply involved with the philanthropic movement, developing a major series of initiatives aimed at giving back to the community.

Atlassian is thrilled to recognize and honor our 2018 Partner Award recipients„, said Martin Musierowicz, Atlassian’s Head of Global Channels. „Solution Partners are instrumental to our customers‘ success and we are excited to be able to highlight some of our top partners who are going above and beyond to support customers and provide Atlassian services.

Xpand IT plans to raise the bar in disseminating the Pledge 1% mission in 2019 and multiply the number of initiatives aimed at helping those in need – all the while improving companies’ success through better collaboration using Atlassian technology.

Atlassian is the company behind products such as Jira, Jira Service Desk, Bitbucket and Confluence. Their mission is to help every team  unleash their potential. Xpand IT has achieved highest Solution Partner Level, Platinum, and has an impressive track-record of implementing projects based on Atlassian products.

For Sofia Neto, Collaboration & Development Solutions Lead at Xpand IT, being present at the Summit is not only a unique opportunity to meet people and share know-how and experiences, but is also recognition of the continuous hard work: “We’ve had the opportunity to participate in such exclusive events and the experience goes far beyond a traditional one. This is the second year in a row that we have been distinguished by Atlassian, this time recognising our involvement in the philanthropic movement Pledge 1%, and it’s something that truly makes us proud and just makes us want to do more and more. This is definitely a huge part of what it is to be an Xpander.”

Xpand IT team receives award from Mike Cannon-Brookes, the co-founder of Atlassian, the Philantropy Partner of the year 2018, in Barcelona.
Sílvia RaposoXpand IT receives Atlassian Philantropy Partner of the Year 2018
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Applying ‚Product Thinking‘ to UX

Life’s too short to build something nobody wants.

Ash Maurya in “Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan that Works”

UX/UI in Xpand IT

During recent years, Xpand IT has been investing in supplying UX/UI services, which has resulted in significant growth of our HCI (Human Computer Interaction) portfolio in B2B and B2C application software and mobile apps to both Portuguese and international clients.

Our interfaces and user experience design have always been based on the User-Centred Design concept and have been delivered in almost all industries: retail, banking, telecommunications, insurance, health, transportation, e-commerce, mobility, public utility, and others.

We are prepared for the next challenges concerning user experience in digital products  –  for example, we increasingly propose and design CUI (Conversational User Interfaces). However, we still find traces of a mentality that is not completely receptive to the idea of the digital product, and is more worried about lining up a huge number of functional requirements that sometimes are completely inappropriate to the needs of the final user of the product.

The immediacy experience offered mainly by social media apps is transforming our expectations concerning the way we want to use products and digital services. As UX designers, we feel the need to analyse the complete ecosystem that brands and users share, in order to define how a business can still be relevant in a world where immediacy is king.

User-Centred Design – with its concept of bringing users into the design process – exists to reduce the gaps between those who create a product and those who use it. The UX team from Xpand IT is focused on finding these gaps, preventing them and eliminating them.

Thinking about the product

In its traditional approach, UX/UI design is focused on the functionality of a digital product: the appearance of the interface (UI) and how users interact with it (UX).

However, a group of functionalities is just a small and fragile part of a product: it is just some of the many possible solutions to the problem the product is trying to solve.

It is not that functionality is not important, but it is usually secondary to the reason why people use a product. The reason is simple: the user uses the product to solve a specific problem in the real world.

In practice, this means we have to understand the product first. A particular function may (or may not) be a useful part of a product, but without the product, that functionality may be wasted.

For example, Uber’s app is frequently used as a good example of user experience design: one of the functions that creates the most empathy is the countdown that shows the time until the car is due to arrive, which is certainly convenient and is related to the goal of the app. However, what makes Uber so attractive is the ability to obtain quick and easy transportation in your area at any time. Even if the countdown functionality did not exist, the app would still be useful. In other words, Uber was conceived having in mind the goal of the product and not the resources that came with it.

Applying Product Thinking to the user experience has been experiencing increasing adherence by UX designers worldwide and expanded when well-known international professionals – such as the German Nikkel Blaase – brought it to a wider sphere of public disclosure. By the way, this talk might be a good starting point to learn more about the subject.

Defining the product

All in all, companies tend to assume that the more functions, the more useful the product will be; that the broader the target audience, the more people will use it; that the more use scenarios are mapped out, the more it will be present in people’s lives.

Which is not necessarily true: there are plenty of products out there with loads of functions that are not used by anyone.

A very common mistake is to start immediately by designing any kind of interface.

However, if the user’s problem has not yet been identified, why are functions and interfaces already being thought about?

It is precisely in this aspect that a lot of digital products fail: they try to solve a problem that does not exist.

A few things need to come before the solution that will be found to solve it: deeply understanding the problem, who the user is, and how the product is going to solve this problem.

However, the process of creation of digital products tend to be a little chaotic: inside a company, there are different departments, areas and businesses that have different opinions about what the product must be, for whom it must be designed and, mainly, which functionalities it must have.

That is why a thorough reflection to clearly define the scope and requirements of a digital product should be done:

  • Why are we investing in this product? What is the business deal in creating this product? Which data and statistics prove that the product is viable?
  • What is the product? What is its primary function? How does it stand out from the competition?
  • For whom is the product being created? What is the profile of the typical user? Which specific behaviours or needs of this user should be considered?
  • Where and when will the product be used? At what time and how much? At home, in traffic, at work? Is it a product for constant use or a one-time use product?
  • How do we want people to use the product? What do we want people to feel when using it? What problems do we want to solve?

Finding the correct answers to these questions constitutes the basic strategy to define a product and causes alignment between the various business areas of companies. This process, when well driven and supported by UX designers, brings huge advantages:

  • Build the right functions and interfaces for the user.
  • Understand the experience as a whole and not just a visual and interaction layer the user will see.
  • Ensure that the product solves real problems for its target users.
  • Minimize the risk of building something nobody would want to use, or that does not last a long time.


When this kind of thought about the product is part of the process from the beginning, UX designers can ask the right questions, communicate more efficiently and suggest appropriate functionalities.

It is easy to be overwhelmed with infinite functionality possibilities and ignore some of the important parts of the design process.

Avoid the potential traps when focusing only on functionality instead of on product usability, thereby turning the thinking about the product into part of the UX design process of the mobile or web app. There is nothing wrong with functionality, but it should not be more important than the real goal of the product.

Have this in mind, and the final result will be a digital product that is created, tested and personalised for the defined target audience, with greater probabilities of becoming essential and making users’ lives easier.

Carlos Neves

Senior Ux & UI Consultant, Xpand IT

Carlos NevesApplying ‚Product Thinking‘ to UX
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Kotlin and a brighter future

Picture this odd world called The JVM.

(From here on, it’s better to read it with David Attenborough’s voice…)

At first there was only one living creature on it: its name was Java. Java was fun; Java was new; Java was simple; Java was powerful – yet Java wasn’t enough. Other species started to come to life, such as: Ceylon, Groovy, Scala, Clojure, Frege, Kotlin. Even Java itself evolved over time. “But why so many species?” is a question one might ask. Had the mighty creator failed with its own creation? Were the other Gods (the programmers) not pleased? Maybe they just weren’t happy enough…who knows!

Now, this is the case for Kotlin.

Enough with the “Life on Earth” analogy, but you can keep the David Attenborough voice – we all know how incredible it is.

Yes, the question is, indeed, why yet another programming language for the JVM? I can’t answer that, I really don’t know, but I believe I have some arguments that might help shed light on why this is a strong specimen.

Kotlin’s evolution

Although it seems like it is, Kotlin is not completely new. Its first commit dates back to 8 November 2010 and it has been slowly maturing over time, just like a fine whiskey.

General adoption has been increasing in recent months helped by major events such as Spring adoption in version 5 or Google I/O 2017, where Google announced official support for the Android platform. 2017 was also the year of the first KotlinConf, where it became noticeable how much Kotlin is reaching beyond the Android World.

It is also curious to see the number of StackOverflow questions related to Kotlin increasing after the Google I/O announcement and the fact that it now appears on the TIOBE Index.

As for public open source projects on GitHub, according to GitHut 2.0, for 2017/Q4 in the top 50 list, Kotlin scores:

  • 16th place for projects stars for a total of 0.480%
  • 17 th place for issues, totalling 0.489%
  • 23 rd place on pull requests making a total of 0.351%
  • 19 th place for pushes, totalling 0.424%

…with overall positive growth.

Java interoperability

Kotlin stands out amongst many, mainly because of its ability to interop easily with Java on the JVM runtime.

It compiles to Java Bytecode and adds practically zero overhead, it being possible to compile to versions 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Java bytecode and at the same time take advantage of the features of each version. One great example of Kotlin’s power is its support for Lambda Expressions even when compiling to Java Bytecode 6. Even the Java language doesn’t provide support for them.


Kotlin is developed by JetBrains, making it a first-class citizen within IntelliJ IDE, Android Studio and CLion. Features such as refactoring, code generation, code completion, compiling to bytecode and sneak-peeking the bytecode on the fly – and even a Java to Kotlin converter – are all there for your delight.

The command-line compiler (kotlinc) has a REPL mode that can be used to easily try out Kotlin snippets of the fly.

Mutiplatform targets

Compilation for multiple platforms is supported. Using Kotlin you can target the JVM, Javascript and LLVM.

Let me try to rephrase that to get the point across:

“Program with Kotlin and get the server-side code deployed to JBoss; share business logic code with the Android client application and also the JS/HTML web client. Oh, let’s not forget that cute IoT device – share some code with it as well. What’s that? You want iOS? Sure, why not!”

Kotlin/Native leverages LLVM to ease natively targeting a vast number of platforms like Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android and WebAssembly.

Kotlin for Javascript enables you to transpile Kotlin into Javascript, making it possible to, for example, create React web apps.

A great showcase of this feature is the KotlinConf 2017 companion application, which is entirely implemented using Kotlin, covering backend, frontend and mobile applications.

Embracing Kotlin as a team

Starting to use Kotlin doesn’t have to be a risky decision! By nature, it works incredibly well with existing Java code and it’s even possible to have both Kotlin and Java code on the same project. Developing new features in Kotlin on an existing project can make it a good approach for adoption with low risk as there’s no need to scrap everything and start from the ground up with a new programming language/technology.

Using Kotlin has also become a day-to-day reality for Android developers. Most Android GDEs (Google Developer Experts) advocate and use Kotlin on a daily basis and it can even be found in Android’s Official documentation.

As for non-mobile developers, such as backend developers, Kotlin presents itself not only as a way to achieve current programming language standards on the JVM while targeting Java 6/7, but also as a replacement for Java as a whole. Projects such as TornadoFX, Ktor and Spring, among many others, provide the necessary foundations for Kotlin to thrive outside the realms of mobile. And since Kotlin is almost 100% interoperable with Java, you can keep using the same frameworks you’re used to but with the syntactic happiness of Kotlin!

The most common approaches to adopting Kotlin are:

  • Re-write Java unit tests with Kotlin. Some advocate this as a good approach to dip your toes into Kotlin while not putting your production code at risk. However, from my perspective, tests should be using production code. However, Kotlin does offer some neat tricks to make unit tests more legible and compact.
  • When starting new features, instead of using Java, use Kotlin!
  • If the project you’re working is due some refactoring, apply Kotlin into the new refactored version of the code base.
  • Go full Kotlin and leave the sad days behind by saying sayonara to Java!

Kotlin language

The language itself is beautiful. Kotlin is a statically typed language with conciseness and readability as major goals.

It also attempts to solve one of the biggest problems of the Java world: NullPointerException. It does so by making nullability part of the type system and enforcing the developers to think about it explicitly.

Another aspect that makes it a top tier language is the fact that the authors attempt to bring the best features available in other languages into Kotlin itself. To name a few:

  • Extension Functions
  • Destructuring declarations
  • High Order Functions
  • Type inference
  • Functional Facilities (map, filter, flatmap, etc.)
  • Custom DSLs
  • Named parameters
  • Pattern Matching
  • Operator overload

Kotlin syntax

Here are some Kotlin snippets as a sneak peek. These attempt to showcase the simplicity and conciseness of the Kotlin language in comparison to Java.

Java Kotlin

// Class definition

class Person {

private String name;

private int age;

public String getName(){

return name;

public int getAge(){
return this.age;

public Person(String name, int age) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age;

public String greet(){
return „Hi “ + this.name + „, how are you doing?“;

// Class definition

class Person(val name:String, val age:Int) {

public fun greet():String {

return „Hi $name, how are you doing?“



// A Typical unsafe Java Singleton

public class Singleton {

private static Singleton instance = null;

private String someProperty = „SOME_SINGLETON“;

private Singleton() {


public static Singleton getInstance() {

if (instance == null) {

instance = new Singleton();


return instance;


public String getSomeProperty() {

return someProperty;


public String appendSomethingToProperty(String something) {

return someProperty + something;



// A simple Kotlin Singleton

object Singleton {

val someProperty:String = „SOME_SINGLETON“

fun appendSomethingToProperty(something:String) = someProperty + something


What’s next?

If I’ve sold you on Kotlin and you want to try it out, here are some pointers to help you:

And keep an eye out for future Kotlin articles on this blog!

João Gonçalves

Mobile Consultant, Xpand IT

João GonçalvesKotlin and a brighter future
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The eight best books about DevOps and Agile

DevOps is a culture. The DNA of this culture is founded on collaboration, communication between teams and agility in software development. It is, therefore, the culture that allows for a perfect symbiosis between Devs’ work and the Operations team’s work.

Ana LamelasThe eight best books about DevOps and Agile
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My day at Google Cloud OnBoard

On the 12th of March 2018, I had the pleasure of participating in the Cloud OnBoard event, which is a free and introductory training for Google Cloud Platform (GCP), in London. The event was created for IT Managers, System Engineers and Operations professionals, Developers, Solution Architects and business leaders searching for Cloud solutions.

Why Google Cloud?

There are a few reasons to consider Google:

  • Google has been contributing significantly to the open source world throughout the years, namely:
    • Google Container Engine, Kubernetes, which is now open source.
    • TensorFlow, an open source framework for machine learning.
    • Apache Beam, which works as a model of portable, unifying and extensible ETL, that allows batch processing and streaming.
    • Some strong contributions on Node.js.
    • More than 2000 contributions in open source projects.
  • Currently, most of my tasks as a consultant are undertaken in a well-known bank, and it is public knowledge that this institution is linked to Google.
  • Other big companies and start-ups use GCP, such as Snapchat, Revolut, Philips, Ocado, BNP, etc.

During this training, I discovered a few more reasons to consider Google:

  • Google cares about the environment:
    • It has the first data centres certified to ISO 14001
    • It is 100% carbon neutral and has used renewable energy since 2017.
  • Payments are processed by the second, not by the minute.
  • Huge discounts exist for bigger commitments or 24/7 use of Google.
  • You can customise machines if the standard ones do not meet your needs.
  • It is possible to escalate up and down right to zero (this is automatically managed, based on requests or the amount of data).
  • Multiple safety layers from HTTPS to storage (not even Google can access data: the client has a master key through their password).
  • Google also creates hardware. As of right now, it has TPUs (supposedly, more hardware development is expected in the roadmap).
  • The long-term goal is to change the virtualization to a No-Ops (no server)

About the Cloud OnBoard event: The event discusses the main technologies available in GCP, from development to analysis.


App Engine

I remember that when GCP was launched, App Engine was one of the main products, even though most people did not really understand the concept. Essentially, I see it as a PaaS to develop apps in which Node.js, Java, Ruby, C#, Python and PHP are supported by the product from scratch. Some interesting functionalities are:

  • It is possible to get the app and deploy on-premise, for example, by using a Docker container or Kubernetes.
  • A control version of the app is available. For example, it is possible to use load balancing with a version for requests from Europe and another version for requests from the USA.
  • GCP automatically manages priorities based on requests (which may be defined by region). This functionality was shown in the training, by using Apache Benchmark. However, in my opinion, response was a little slow, maybe because it was such a small panel. Nevertheless, it proved its “scalability” both up and down to zero in a multi-region context, by using load balancing to alternate between versions of the app.
  • It is easy to integrate an app developed in App Engine with other GCP products, such as databases, dataflows, monitoring, etc.
  • In addition, Google provides a mobile app that allows you to manage GCP if, at some point, you cannot access your computer.

Computer Engine

This is part of what the GCP offers on virtual machines and is similar to Amazon EC2.

In this event, it was revealed that the acquisition of Al start-up DeepMind in 2014, for $500m, helped reduce the operation costs of Google Data Centres, to the point where they broke even.

Kubernetes Engine

Previously known as Google Container Engine, the name changed to Kubernetes when Google decided to make it open source. For those familiar with Docker, it is a well-known engine that allows deployment, management and scalability. Since it is a Google product, GCP is probably the best place to use Kubernetes on the Cloud.


Load Balancing

This is a normal functionality for any Cloud provider. The only reason I listed it here is because this product is used by Google services (Google Search, Gmail, Google Maps, Youtube…). If your website or app has times where it receives large numbers of requests, GCP does not need prior notice to be able to escalate automatically. Obviously, this also depends on the internally chosen architecture for the app.

Storage and Databases

Cloud Storage

It has a storage model similar to Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, but it is easier to integrate with other GCP apps. In this product, an item (PDF, DOC, MP3…) is unchangeable and easily scalable. This offer is very similar to Amazon’s S3.

Cloud SQL

Basically, this is MySQL prepared by Google to be scalable and with high performance. At the time of the event, PostgreSQL was only available in a beta version, but now it is widely available.

Cloud Spanner

Essentially, this is a database that escalates horizontally and is strongly consistent with relatable data (it would be interesting if Cloud Spanner were open source, but it still would not be guaranteed to have access to its full content, since it is necessary to have an exquisite infrastructure and to use the True Time API – see below). It is probably the dream database to support:

  • Transactions (globally consistent)
  • Automatic replications
  • SQL (Standard ANSI 2011 with add-ons)
  • Scalable
  • High availability.

This database puts into perspective one of the most well-known theorems in computer science: Brewer’s theorem or the CAP theorem. This theorem says that any distribution system is not free from network failures, therefore it is theoretically impossible to ensure, simultaneously, three requirements in a database: consistency, availability and partition tolerance.

How did Google manage something theoretically impossible? Google data centres use a special API, called TrueTime, which is Google’s global synchronization watch. However, a big part comes from the exquisite infrastructure Google has. For those who would like to know more, you can read the papers here and here.

Big Table

A widely known NoSQL database, since it is used by Google Services such as Google Search, Gmail, Google Maps, Google Analytics… Even though the NoSQL database is not open source, there is a very similar one, HBase.

Big Data


A service used to transform and enrich data in stream and batch modes that works as an ETL tool. The main functionality of DataFlow is Apache Beam support, which gives the ability to develop pipelines (by using SDKs in Java and/or Python) on-premise and easily change to GCP with DataFlow. 


Google’s take on Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop and provides other tools from the Hadoop ecosystem, such as Hive. GCP uses open source code as its base, but performs a few alterations to be able to connect to some of its other products, such as Cloud Storage.


The GCP service for streaming focused on events. Its equivalent would be Apache Kafka, if you are searching for an on-premise solution.

Artificial Intelligence


GCP has several machine learning services, and the majority use an open source framework, TensorFlow.

Similarly to Kubenetes and Apache Beam, you can use TensorFlow on-premise and, when you feel comfortable, you can migrate to a CGP. Furthermore, it is possible to use GCP’s APIs, which already have models trained for detecting items in an image, translating text, speech, extracting video metadata, etc.

Lastly, there follows a comparison of Services in GCP, AWS and Azure

Google Cloud Platform Amazon Web Services Microsoft Azure
Google Compute Engine Amazon EC2 Azure Virtual Machines
Google App Engine AWS Elastic Beanstalk Azure Cloud Services
Google Kubernetes Engine   . Amazon EC2 Container Service   . Azure Container Service
Google Cloud Bigtable Amazon DynamoDB Azure Cosmos DB
Google BigQuery Amazon Redshift Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Google Cloud Functions AWS Lambda Azure Functions
Google Cloud Datastore Amazon DynamoDB Cosmos DB
Google Storage Amazon S3 Azure Blob Storage
Google Cloud Dataflow AWS Glue / Kinesis / EMR Azure Data Factory / Stream Analytics Data Lake Analytics
Google Cloud Dataproc Amazon EMR Azure HDInsight

Joel Latino

Senior BI & Big Data Consultant, Xpand IT

Joel LatinoMy day at Google Cloud OnBoard
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Artificial Intelligence: The Future is now

It’s not exactly breaking news that the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been gaining some ground. A new wave of platforms that achieve maximum performance using the last generation of processors are obtaining really positive results. However, the question still stands: what defines this subject and what practical uses does it offer?

Ana PaneiroArtificial Intelligence: The Future is now
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Xpand IT opens new office in the USA

Lisbon, Viana do Castelo, Porto, Braga, London … and now, San Francisco. This is Xpand IT’s sixth office, a move that represents an investment in a city outside Europe, looking to respond to the quick growth that the product area has been experiencing all over the world, but particularly in the USA.

Ana PaneiroXpand IT opens new office in the USA
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Welcome to Tableau Prep!

According to a Harvard Business Review article from 2017, people spend 80% of their time prepping data and only 20% analysing it. Tableau acknowledged that problem and came up with a simple solution: Tableau Prep.

Ana PaneiroWelcome to Tableau Prep!
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Big Data: the state of the art

Xpand IT cannot define the state of the art of Big Data without reflecting upon the huge annual increase in the adoption of Big Data technologies, from which we highlight the Confluent and Cloudera platforms.

Nuno BarretoBig Data: the state of the art
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